
Friday, May 18, 2007

Ein Yaakov: The Ethical and Inspirational Teachings of the Talmud

Ein Yaakov: The Ethical and Inspirational Teachings of the Talmud complied in the sixteenth century by Rabbi Yaakov Ibn Chaviv a translation with commentary by Avraham Yaakov Finkel (Editor)

This is the only complete English translation of the classic Jewish text known as Ein Yaakov.

Ein Yaakov is a collection of all the agaddah (the non-legal) material of the Talmud, compiled by Rabbi Yaakov ibn Chaviv, the fifteenth century talmudist. Scattered among the more than 2,700 pages of the Talmud, aggadah focuses on the ethical and inspirational aspects of the Torah way of life. Through a wealth of homilies, anecdotes, allegories, pithy sayings, and interpretations of biblical verses, it has been said that the aggadah brings you closer to God and his Torah.

About The Author Avraham Yaakov Finkel is the author of such books as The Essential Maimonides, In My Flesh I See God, The Responsa Anthology, and The Great Torah Masters. Born in Basel, Switzerland, and lived in The Hague, The Netherlands, until 1942, when he was deported to Bergen-Belsen by the Nazis. Finkel is the author of The Essential Maimonides, In My Flesh I See God, Contemporary Sages, The Great Chasidic Masters, The Responsa Anthology, and The Great Torah Commentators. He has also translated numerous works, including Sefer Chasidim, Chovot Halevavot, the autobiographies of the Tosafot Yom Tovand Chasam Sofer, Dare to Survive, Songs of Hope, Counterfeit Lives, Itzik, Be Strong! and biographies of Rabbi Aharon Kotler, Rabbi Shlomoh Zalman Auerbach, and Rabbi Mordechai Schwab. Mr. Finkel resides in New York with his wife, Suri.

You have in one volume what Rabbis have had to acquire in dozens of volumes.

Table of Contents
The Aggado of the Talmud by Rabbi Avraham, son of the Rambam

Tractate Berachot 1-70
Tractate Shabbat 71-136
Tractate Eruvin 137-154
Tractate Pesachim 155-182
Tractate Yoma 183-220
Tractate Sukkah 221-231
Tractate Beitzah 233-254
Tractate Megillah 255-286
Tractate Tannit 287-320
Tractate Moed Katan 321-351
Tractate Yevamot 352-374
Tractate Ketubot 375-398
Tractate Nedarim 399-414
Tractate Nazir 415-418
Tractate Gittin 419-488
Tractate Kiddushin 489-512
Tractate Kamma 513-524
Tractate Metzia 525-546
Tractate Bava Batra 547-594
Tractate Sandhedrin 594-708
Tractate Makkot 709-718
Tractate Shevuot 719-724
Tractate Eduyot 725-726
Tractate Avodah Zarah 727-746
Tractate Horayot 747-752
Tractate Zevachim 753-758
Tractate Menachot 759-766
Tractate Chullin 767-778

Arachin 779-786

Temurah 787-790

Me'ilah 793-794

Tamid 795-798
Tractate Niddah 799-802
Tractate Uktzin 803-803

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